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Rumors about the casting of Holly Short

It's rumored that Saoirse Ronan will play Holly Short.I've never seen her in anything but I've heard she's really good. I think she would be perfect for Holly!


Eoin Colfer has also said that Jim Sheriden is in L.A trying to get the movie unblocked ,as HollyWood is counfused about the format .

It's really exciting to hear something about the movie.

Here are some link to articles
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3


  1. Since the news articles are over a year old, I'm assuming this isn't happening. Which makes me happy. This woman is beautiful and has the vaguely the right shaped face, but she's /way/ too white to be playing Holly. Holly is several magnitudes more brown, and that's something you can't fix with dye, like red hair.

  2. NO. Nonononononono. Holly needs someone who can be tough, badass and funny. I just see Ronan as being too much of a delicate flower to be Holly.
